Leadership courses designed to expand your capability to lead, inspire, and achieve

Explore the strategies, tools, and techniques you need to transform your team, your organization, and yourself. Using a research-based approach, broad-based programs incorporate simulations, experiential activities, and case studies to help leaders realize their full potential.

Find the course for you

Applied Leadership Capstone

Primed with principles and frameworks for leading organizational change and strategies in targeted areas like inclusive leadership, you will expand on best practices and be ready to take on real-world organizational challenges with ease with the Applied Leadership Capstone course. You will assemble a reflective leadership and management portfolio, set new goals, and leave with a personal, actionable leadership plan for your future.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Synthesize, apply, and expand on principles and best practices
  • Apply new knowledge and mindsets to real world organizational challenges
  • Leverage the power of diverse work teams
  • Collaborate in project teams, activate skills, and navigate team dynamics to generate practical plans for organizational change and growth

Applied Leadership Capstone

Data Visualization: Storytelling and Sensemaking

In our Data Visualization course, learn to create strong visualizations using data to increase comprehension, retention, and action. 

This course prepares participants to:

  • Understand the power of sensemaking and storytelling via data
  • Recognize opportunities to communicate with meaningful data
  • Experiment with visualization techniques
  • How to hone a message
  • Transform data presentations into powerful persuasive tools
  • Define and identify information design and data visualization
  • Apply design elements and principles to data
  • Incorporate data strategies into everyday work

Data Visualization: Storytelling and Sensemaking

Essentials of Leadership Coaching

In our Essentials of Leadership Coaching course, discover the field of leadership coaching, the coaching process and how to implement coaching skills in professional and organizational relationships.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Understand the foundations, process, and nuances of leadership coaching
  • Learn to set, vet, meet and exceed goals through meaningful action planning
  • Implement the fundamentals of coaching in developing high functioning teams
  • Apply newly developed coaching skills in a safe and supportive environment

Essentials of Leadership Coaching

Executive Presence

Leaders with executive presence inspire others through how they carry and express themselves in the workplace. Enhance your influence in your organization by developing professional qualities to head a confident team in an ever-changing business world.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Theory of impression management
  • Key characteristics of executive presence
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication skills that enhance executive presence
  • Divergent problem-solving skills
  • How to access and maintain peak performance
  • How to manage and anticipate the unanticipated
  • How to develop and deliver a professional self-advocacy pitch

Executive Presence

Facilitating Collaboration

Leaders with executive presence inspire others through how they carry and express themselves in the workplace. Enhance your influence in your organization by developing professional qualities to head a confident team in an ever-changing business world.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Diversity in gatherings
  • Self-organization
  • Facilitation of dialogue
  • Difficult conversations
  • Transparency across units
  • Redistribution of power

Facilitating Collaboration

Foundations of Leadership and Management

Understand how to better form teams and make strategic decisions, how to leverage group processes and personal networks to be more effective as a leader, and how to select and motivate the right people to join your team or unit. Foundations of Leadership and Management is the required foundational course for the Management Development Certificate (but open to any Carey Executive Education participant), and it teaches participants how to lead with purpose and incorporate core knowledge and skills from research on leadership and organizations into their daily practices.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Guide teams to efficient and effective decisions
  • Leverage a professional network for leading more productively in organizations
  • Motivate others to achieve team or organizational goals
  • Select and develop the right people for a team or organization

Foundations of Leadership and Management

Leading in Times of Uncertainty

Uncertainty, upheaval and even setbacks are increasingly the norm for today’s leaders. We live and work in turbulent times and successful performance – whether for yourself or your organization – requires an ability to navigate turmoil, bounce back from adversity and keep on track. Resilience has become a strategic necessity. In this course, we explore what it takes to create a resilient organization or team.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Learn practices to help your team build vigilance and adaptability, to notice and mitigate problems before they escalate.
  • Explore common leadership traps unique to uncertain environments and learn how to prevent them
  • Understand resilience as something you do (not something you have) and explore the work of resilience – for you, your team and your organization.
  • Practice strategies to facilitate creativity, motivation and team cohesion in the midst of adversity
  • Uncover resources that you can use to develop your own, personal resilience

Leading in Times of Uncertainty

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate

Centered around the Six Sigma DMAIC framework (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control), participants learn additional tools to diagnose organizational performance barriers. Discover the power of data modeling, risk management methods, and capacity management strategies to drive improvements in your business. Participants choose from three learning tracks: Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Knowledge Work.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Apply the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC framework to solve organizational problems.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Six Sigma modeling tools to target the causes of performance gaps.
  • Gain an understanding of systemic thinking and approaches to enhance management discipline.
  •  Apply strategic planning methods to support organizational alignment and focus on continuous improvement.

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate

Master the power of Lean Six Sigma to discover the root causes of operational and organizational problems and the tools to implement real solutions.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Yellow Belt LSS fundamentals
  • Improve workflow and systems
  • Maximize your human capital
  • Facilitate pursuit of innovative ideas
  • Understand how to promote ongoing organizational change
  • Correctly identifying structural problems
  • Common types of waste
  • Tools to identify workload and workflow
  • Implementation plans for high impact solutions

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate

Project Management

Our Project Management course equips participants with a powerful set of tools to plan, implement, and manage activities to realize specific objectives.  Applicable to a wide range of businesses and professions, the ability to effectively manage projects is a skill set actively sought by employers and a career-advancing talent employees will call upon again and again.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Accurately plan all aspects of a project from forecasting to completion
  • Implement processes to assure effective execution and success of projects

Project Management

Organizational Improv

In an era of unprecedented change, adaptability has become the cornerstone of effective leadership. Our Executive Education workshop, “Organizational Improvisation," is designed to equip leaders with the mindset and skills necessary to thrive in a dynamic and unpredictable business environment.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Engage an improvisational mindset that reframes our relationship to failure
  • Strengthen emotional intelligence through exercises in empathy, self-reflection, and community dialogue

Organizational improv

Strategic Negotiation

Become a better negotiator with valuable techniques designed to achieve favorable outcomes. Learn the strategic foundation and knowledge needed for effectively negotiating with employers, coworkers, clients, employees, and others encountered in daily business. Gain the confidence you need to overcome uncomfortable negotiation sessions and achieve the best possible result.

This course prepares participants to:

  • Become a powerful negotiator at all organizational levels
  • Discover their individual negotiation style
  • Achieve their goals through strategic negotiation
  • Develop a systematic approach
  • Learn to cope with win-lose situations and transform them into win-win situations

Strategic Negotiation