Academic Resources and Technical Support

Student Experience
Technical Support Contact Information
For immediate support, please contact the Carey Academic Technical Support (CATS):
- Call toll-free: 877-379-5788
- Chat: Chat Support Link
- Email:
The CATS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For most emergencies, including tests and quizzes, please call or use the chat function.
Click here for Kaltura My Media and Canvas FAQs and instruction resources
Carey Online Course Information
Our online courses contain both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous sessions are those in which the entire class is online at the same time. Asynchronous components such as assignments can be completed at the student's own pace (but within due dates). To keep up with the course requirements, students will need to log into the course website several times each week.
Synchronous Online Sessions
Each online course will have at least three synchronous online sessions. These sessions allow students to interact with each other as well as the course instructor. Each session is different, and while they are not always required, the course syllabus and instructor will let students know whether they need to attend or will need to submit an alternate assignment if they cannot attend a session.
Module Structure
The online program incorporates a chronologically based module format. Each module (unless noted otherwise) will contain every reading/course media, and assignment that is due each week. The module/week starts on Monday, 12:01 am and ends on Sunday 11:59 pm. All times and due dates contained within the online program are Eastern Time unless noted otherwise.
The Carey Business School expects students to maintain a learning community and environment that is respectful, fair, and responsible, promotes the free exchange and sharing of ideas, and fosters intellectual inquiry. Students will be held to the highest standards for language and content in emails and discussion interaction (including attachments), and we expect the same language to be used online that you would use in the classroom.
Netiquette is a set of guidelines that outline best practices for communicating and corresponding online. Students should apply these guidelines when participating in discussion forums and when sending emails. While the rules of netiquette can and will change over time, some simple rules are generally agreed upon. The core rules of netiquette is an excerpt from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea and details the core rules for communicating online, including guidelines on tone, content, and participation.
Communication Policy
Throughout the program, students will develop critical professional business skills, including interpersonal and communication skills. Students will become active members in the academic and business world by sharing and learning from each other. Some of the time this exchange will happen in the online discussion forum and other times students will connect with their peers and instructors during synchronous online meetings.
The discussion forum is one of the ways students will communicate and share ideas with peers and instructors during their courses. When including information and ideas from external sources, students must cite and reference appropriately according to the current edition of the APA manual.
Academic Excellence and Integrity
The Carey community believes that honesty, integrity, and community responsibility are qualities inherent in an exemplary citizen. The objective of the Carey Business School honor code is to create an environment of trust and respect among all members of the academic community while the qualities associated with success are developed in students.
In order to maintain the highest level of academic integrity, Carey Business School is implementing a variety of tools and software including but not limited to:
- Proctored exams: when taking exams, students may be proctored using a remote proctoring software application.
- Visibility via webcam: during synchronous online sessions, students should be visible to the facilitator via their webcam unless otherwise stated by the facilitator.
- Turnitin: students will submit completed assignment through the canvas assignment tool, which uses Turnitin to determine an originality score for the completed assignment based on previously submitted documents, as well as other online databases.
Academic Resources and Support
Academic Advising
The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School academic advising offers additional support to professional program students who need assistance related to their academic course of study or have questions regarding the policies and procedures of the Carey Business School.
How To: Find Your Academic Advisor
Contact your academic advisor with any questions related to your program of study and to Carey Business School policies and procedures. Please understand that, in some cases, questions will need to be referred to other offices, and may require a 48-hour response time. Academic advisors can help you in the following areas:
- Advice on curriculum
- Course waiver requests
- Facilitating grade appeals
- Graduation audits
- Registration/waitlist advice
- Academic support and other referrals
Academic advising contact information:
Phone: 410-234-9320
Student Success Center
The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School's Student Success Center (SSC) provides quality tutoring assistance to help students develop their writing and quantitative abilities. The Student Success Center provides a list of self-guided resources here.
Writing and Presentation Tutoring
Carey Business School prepares business leaders to tackle the most pressing issues of our time and that includes being able to clearly and cohesively write and speak about those issues. As part of the university's tradition of bold creativity and visionary leadership, students will be expected to enter into multi-faceted and intelligent academic conversations with other peers, writers, and scholars through your writing and presentations.
Make an appointment:
You can book an appointment with the Student Success Center to work on your quantitative, writing, and presentation skills. To make an appointment, or ask questions about tutoring, please contact the SSC at
Library and Research Resources
Library centers for the Carey Business School are located at the Harbor East (Baltimore) and Washington DC campuses. Librarians are available for individual help or group information sessions.
Sheridan Libraries
Start here for library services, resources and research guides on various topics. Access most with your JHU id and password (JHED). Some also require accounts, using your JHU e-mail address.
Carey Library Resources and Services
Access this website to find resources and services specifically from the Carey Business School’s Library.
APA style resources
Carey Business School uses APA style formatting for written assignments. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with APA formatting here.
Bloomberg Terminal Guide
Bloomberg Professional Service Terminal provides real-time information on companies, industries, equities, currencies, commodities, money markets, fixed-income, mortgages and securities. Access the Bloomberg guide to learn how to get started.
Business Research Guide
Bookmark this comprehensive, convenient map to exclusive information on U.S. and global business--including key databases of articles; news; books; videos; industry, market or consumer analysis; data; statistics and specialized resources.
Case Study Resources
Contains resources for obtaining and analyzing cases.
Find online videos and print or electronic books on your topic in the JHU libraries’ online catalog.
Citing Sources Guide
This guide's resources help students to manage their references, write papers, create bibliographies, and properly format and cite sources in their work.
(examples: The Economist, newspapers, finance, and economics) Set up accounts through the library's links and a JHU e-mail address to access the Bloomberg, Wharton, Wall Street Journal digital, and Financial Times digital databases.
The library's electronic reserve, or eReserve, system is integrated with Canvas and allows students to view readings electronically in their courses. Students can visit the Sheridan libraries website to learn more about eReserves.
For research consultations, please send your questions or requests for consultations initially to Heather Tapager, Sharon Morris, and Jim Gillispie at The librarians' primary role is to guide individuals or groups in finding relevant and reputable information sources for assignments using resources more effectively. Please allow up to 24 - 48 hours for a reply.
Group Study Room Reservations
Group study rooms can be reserved using 25live. To reserve a room please log in with a JHED id and select to room to check availability.
Accessibility and Disability Support Services
Accessibility and Web Privacy
The Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins University is committed to making every possible effort to ensure that all electronic and information technology developed and maintained by the school is accessible to people with disabilities. We will continue to make accessibility a priority in the development of all websites affiliated with the school.
Disability Support Services
As Johns Hopkins University works to foster diversity and build a campus culture of inclusion, it is committed to ensuring people with disabilities enjoy full participation in the university’s programs, services, and activities. Students who may need an accommodation should contact the Carey Business School's student disability services at 410-234-9243 or
Accommodation requests should be made as soon as possible so that they can be coordinated and implemented in the timeframe needed. For more information about accessibility at JHU, please visit
Disability services contact information
Phone: 410-234-9243
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Services
Office of Institutional Equity
The Office of Institutional Equity (OEI) leads JHU’s efforts to foster an environment that is inclusive, respectful and free from discrimination and harassment. In its role, OIE ensures compliance with affirmative action and equal opportunity laws, investigates discrimination and sexual harassment complaints, and serves as a central resource for those with disabilities or those who require religious accommodation.
Student’s Right to Know
In compliance with Title IV, the higher education opportunity act of 2008, and other federal and state disclosure laws, Carey Business School has listed consumer information for prospective and current students.
Religious Accommodations
As part of our commitment to diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination, the university makes good faith efforts to reconcile potential conflicts between an individual’s strongly held religious, spiritual or philosophical beliefs and university work or academic requirements.
Career & Life Design
Career & Life Design
Whether students need to develop a professional profile, connect with influencers in your industry, or prepare for your ideal internship or job, Carey Business School’s Career & Life Design team has resources to help.
Career & Life Design office contact information:
Phone: (410) 234-9270
Sponsor Payments
A sponsor, or third party, payer is an organization that sponsors all or a portion of a student's tuition and fees. Learn more about sponsor payments here.
Student Code of Conduct
Please visit the following website to view the Carey Student and University Code of Conduct.