School policies

Office of Student Affairs
Carey Business School student policies
Carey Student Compact
This agreement lays out the general expectations for all Johns Hopkins Carey Business School students.
- As a Johns Hopkins student, you should feel both a sense of pride and a sense of duty for building and upholding its culture
- You own your education and share responsibility with the school for making your time here a success, including following all policies
- Physical presence is expected in onsite classes, cameras are expected to be on in remote-live classes
- Psychological presence, participation, and engagement are expected in all classes (along with implications for phone use, etc., in the classroom)
- All members of our community commit to respect as outlined in the Carey Commitment to Respect
Carey Business School Community Commitment to Respect
Respectful behavior creates an environment within the Carey Business School where all are valued and can be productive.
Carey Business School Academic Ethics Policy
Carey Business School believes that honesty, integrity, and community responsibility are qualities inherent in an exemplary citizen. The objective of the Academic Ethics Policy is to create an environment of trust and respect among all members of Carey Business School and hold Carey students accountable to the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence.
Carey Business School Building Policies
Policies and Procedures for On-Site and Remote-Live Classes
On-Site and Remote-Live policies
Leave of Absence Policy
JHU Carey Business School Leave of Absence Policy
Carey Business School Student Right to Know
In compliance with Title IV, the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, and other federal and state disclosure laws, Carey Business School lists consumer information for prospective and current students.
Johns Hopkins University Student Conduct Code
The fundamental purpose of Johns Hopkins University’s regulation of student conduct is to promote and to protect the health, safety, welfare, property, and rights of all members of the University community as well as to promote the orderly operation of the University and to safeguard its property and facilities. As members of the University community, students accept certain responsibilities which support the educational mission and create an environment in which all students are afforded the same opportunity to succeed academically.
Johns Hopkins University ADA Compliance
Johns Hopkins University is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities. Consequently, we work to ensure that students, employees and visitors with disabilities have equal access to university programs, facilities, technology and web properties.
Johns Hopkins University Sexual Assault Response and Policies
Johns Hopkins University is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory educational and working environment for its students, trainees, faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, residents, and other members of the University community. In particular, the University will not tolerate and is committed to providing members of its community with an environment that is free from sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking (collectively, “sexual misconduct”). The Office of Institutional Equity leads Johns Hopkins University efforts to foster an environment that is inclusive, respectful and free from discrimination and harassment.
Johns Hopkins University Personal Relationships Policy
Personal Relationships Policy download
Johns Hopkins University Religious Accommodations Policy
We know that work and academic requirements sometimes conflict with religious beliefs, practices and observances. If this is the case, we encourage you to submit an accommodation request. Johns Hopkins University is committed to granting religious accommodations as long as they meet the basic requirements.
Johns Hopkins University Discrimination and Harassment Policy
JHU will not tolerate harassment, discrimination or retaliation in the workplace or educational environment whether committed by managers, faculty, administrators, staff, or students, or by visitors to our institution of higher learning. If you are a victim of any such situation, you are strongly encouraged to file a complaint through official university channels.
Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Johns Hopkins University Policies and Statements
Johns Hopkins University is pleased to offer a Policy and Document Library, a one-stop, searchable resource for all university-level policies, statements, and guidelines on a broad range of topics. The policies, statements, and guidelines from Johns Hopkins University support our mission of excellence by providing sound frameworks for action in a range of university pursuits.
Please contact the Office of Student Affairs for the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School at 410-234-9240 or
University policies
Visit the Johns Hopkins University website to access the policies library.