Leadership Resources

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Leadership Resources

The Center for Innovative Leadership engages not only the faculty and students of Johns Hopkins University, but also acts as a resource to leaders across all industries and organizations, providing evidence-based guidance for leading in the modern world of work. From in-depth Field Guides to cutting-edge Research Briefs, the Center produces a range of resources translating faculty research and expertise into actionable insights for practicing leaders.

Field Guides

CIL designed the Field Guide series to help leaders navigate the increasingly complex world of work, armed with a nuanced understanding of key challenges identified in cutting-edge organizational research. Each Field Guide is designed to illuminate a core challenge facing today’s leaders and deliver effective, evidence-based guidance and practices for leaders to deploy in their own work. These in-depth resources are intended for use by leaders in all industries and at all levels of an organization, not only as a “how-to” guide for key leadership decisions and actions, but also as a broader resource for personal development, learning, and growth as a leader.

A Field Guide to

Leading Dynamic Teams

Leaders today face unique challenges and new questions about how their teams should work together – particularly as organizations move to more flexible work arrangements and temporary team structures.

The purpose of our Field Guide to Leading Dynamic Teams is to provide an accessible, practical resource for leaders to think innovatively about how they design and manage teams within their organization. The Guide highlights key practices that can be implemented quickly and seamlessly today as leaders reimagine how to best run meetings, share information, and allow for peer-to-peer leadership in a way that keeps employees engaged, fulfilled and productive.

Download this Field Guide

Research Briefs

The Center frequently releases short Research Briefs, highlighting and summarizing CIL faculty research findings and how they impact the world of work. The briefs are designed to facilitate the rapid transfer of research-to-practice, helping leaders shape their practices with the latest findings in academic research.

Recent Research Briefs

Remote Workforce Leadership Lessons from Online Collaboration Communities


person sitting at desk working
a lighthouse overlooking ocean

‘Moral Beacons’ Provide Ethical Leadership in the Workplace



Ethical Leadership Strengthens Team Efficacy and Social Cohesion


hands shaking
doctor looking over papers with colleague in a crowd

Understanding the Nuances of Social Networks and Interconnectedness in Healthcare Organizations



Leadership Lessons for Multidisciplinary Teams in Healthcare and Beyond


group of four medical professionals talking
hands folded on a desk

The Unheard Voice of the Upwardly Mobile



Allyship for Gender Equity at Work


Man and woman seated with text overlay: Can men and women working together as allies bring gender equality to the workplace?
students discussing with an overlay. How does team structure and gender composition effect team performance? JHU Carey Business School, Center for Innovative leadership.

How Structure and Gender Composition Effect A Team’s Collective Ability to Get Work Done


The Value of Respect in Nurse-Physician Relations


Nurse and physician with an overlay The value of respect in Nurse-Physician relations
how are female chros breaking the glass ceiling

How Female CHROs Break the Glass Ceiling of the C-suite


What Can 50 Years of Leadership Communication Research Tell Us?


Crisis Management Reimagined: Creativity at the Edge of Chaos


The Restless Entrepreneur