Carey Business School - Johns Hopkins Health System MBA Summer Internship Program

Tap into the world-renowned Johns Hopkins network with this hospital administration internship.
The ten-week, paid summer internship is designed specifically to provide Carey MBAs an opportunity to apply educational concepts across hospital administration and strategy initiatives. Projects focus on increasing operational excellence, and problem solving for solutions to optimize health care management and patient experience.

Program details
The internship program is structured to optimize for professional development; advance educational goals; and offer exposure to hospital management, strategy, and business functions. Key components of the summer experience include:
- Matched with preceptors - health care executives who mentor and oversee projects
- Weekly cohort meetings featuring executive speakers. Previous speakers include President of Johns Hopkins Hospital; President of Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center; and Vice President, Quality Improvement of Johns Hopkins Hospital.
- Additional learning and training opportunities, including invitation to 2-day JHHS Operations Bootcamp, and private tours of health care facilities.
Three previous classes of interns were matched and embedded in six business units, including Johns Hopkins Medicine Telemedicine, Financial Analysis Unit, and Johns Hopkins Department of Surgery. Previous interns’ summer projects have included the following strategic initiatives:
- Forecasted operating room bed availability for both same-day admission elective surgeries and extended surgical recovery elective surgeries
- Created communication plans for Johns Hopkins Hospital patient education
- Created business case to expand remote patient monitoring for home care patients
- Analyzed and forecasted impact on patient access and services as a result of state and Federal health policy changes
- Forecasted cost of COVID-19 related programs
Application information
Students in the Full-time MBA program, including dual degree programs, are eligible and encouraged to apply. An information session will be hosted in February with an expected application deadline in late February. All information will be posted to Handshake, and further details can be found there closer to the date.
Please contact Marilyn Hendricks at with questions.