Graduate uniquely qualified among your peers to diagnose and triage complex issues in the health care industry. And become a leader in the medical community. The full-time MBA program is newly STEM-designated.
The MD/MBA leverages two innovative curriculums: the Genes to Society curriculum and the Johns Hopkins MBA curriculum. With a focus on analytics and leadership, graduate ready to lead in the modern marketplace.
Program Details

Financial Aid & Scholarships
Program features
Earn two degrees at the same time
By completing your MBA and your MD at the same time, students earn both degrees in five years instead of six.
Experiential learning
Our MBA curriculum leverages experiential learning to develop skills like leadership, a global mindset, resilience, and entrepreneurship.
Become a leader
Develop the skills to be a leader in the medical community. The MBA curriculum is designed to create leaders who can navigate ever-changing marketplaces and economies.
Stand out
With an MBA and MD, you will be uniquely qualified among your peers to diagnose and treat complex issues vexing the health care industry.
- 100% male
- 2 average years of full-time work experience
- 28 average age
The MD/MBA curriculum reflects the requirements and content of two degree programs: the Medical School Genes to Society curriculum and the Carey Business School MBA curriculum. Both are innovative approaches to education in their respective fields.
Our full-time MBA program is now STEM-designated
The latest edition of the Carey Business School University Catalog is available.
The MD/MBA curriculum is designed for students to complete two degrees in less time. The Johns Hopkins MBA is 54 credits, 18 of which may be applied from the MD program. Students are required to complete the entire MD curriculum to graduate.
There are two pathways for students wishing to pursue the MD/MBA dual degree program. Students can choose to begin their MBA coursework first, or students can matriculate through two years of the MD program before beginning their MBA coursework. Learn more about the MBA/MD pathways.
Carey Business School (MBA)
- Accounting Foundations
- Behavioral Science: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
- Behavioral Science: Negotiating Collaboratively
- Business Communication
- Competitive Strategy
- Data Science: Big Consulting Data Project
- Data Science: Statistics
- Finance
- Innovation Field Project (four credits)
- Marketing Management
- Microeconomics and Market Design
- Operations Management
- Professional Development for Career Success (non-credit)
- Five electives
School of Medicine
- The Johns Hopkins Genes to Society curriculum begins with a grounding in what we’ve learned from the Human Genome Project about human variability, risk, and the ability to modulate disease presentation and outcomes. The curriculum also draws on the wealth of knowledge in the social and behavioral sciences as well as public health and policy content, with an aim toward improving societal health outcomes.
Learn more about the School of medicine's revolutionary Genes to Society curriculum.
Program comparison
- In-person
- Complete both degrees in five years
- Courses held in Baltimore, MD
- STEM-designated MBA curriculum
- In-person
- Complete your degree in two years
- Courses held in Baltimore, MD
- STEM-designated curriculum
- Online, flexible format
- Complete your degree in two to three years
- Optional in-person experiences
- Asynchronous and/or fully synchronous

Personal triumph drives first MD/MBA student
“I’m a pediatric cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with leukemia when I was nine years old,” the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School MBA/MD student recounts, almost matter-of-factly. To make this daunting news even worse, her age and type of cancer combined for a poor prognosis. Taking part in an experimental clinical trial saved her life and instilled a drive to help others in a similar situation. “I want to go to medical school, I want to help kids like me, I want to do better,” she remembers thinking at the time. “I grew up in a children’s hospital.”