Career & Life Design

Build for what's next® in your career
Career & Life Design at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School partner with students through transformational methods and holistic life design concepts to empower them to realize and achieve their full professional and leadership potential.
Adapt, Pivot, & Persist
Have you recently experienced a career transition, particularly in the government or technology sectors? You’re not alone—and your next opportunity is closer than you think. Adapt, Pivot, & Persist is explicitly designed for professionals like you who are navigating career transitions. It will help you rebuild confidence, refine your professional brand, and land your next role with clarity and purpose.
Customized coaching and career education
Our team offers customized career and leadership coaching, education, resources, mentoring, and networking opportunities that support students' career preparation, advancement and transition, such as:
- Interests, values, skills, and exploration assessments
- Professional brand and storytelling development
- Big picture career and professional goal setting
- Tailored résumé, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile support
- Internship and job search management
- Interview preparation and confidence building
- Career transition and management guidance
- Preparation for networking with current students, alumni, employers, and industry experts
The Career & Life Design team tailors our support to the needs of each Carey Business School student. In collaboration with Carey Employer Relations, Alumni Relations, Experiential Learning, Student Affairs, and JHU's Integrative Learning and Life Design, we help connect students to internships, jobs, alumni and industry partners, and industry networking and career growth opportunities.
- Keep your profile and résumé up to date with accurate work experience and education information.
- Respond to all invitations from companies offering an interview in a timely manner (within 24 hours).
- Be prompt and well prepared for all interviews.
- Use business professional communication in all correspondence.
- Accept offers in good faith. An accepted offer is binding and assumes that you are no longer job searching. Students are expected to withdraw from all applications and are not permitted to interview with additional firms after accepting an employment offer. This is standard professional expectation at all business schools. If you renege on an offer, the Carey Business School reserves the right to take appropriate action.
- Report your employment status, including received and accepted offers, through Carey’s secure outcome survey tool.

“The one-on-one meetings with the career team were most helpful for me, and the topics changed as my needs changed. It started with resume building, and some career soul-searching, evolving into interview practice and negotiations with employers after receiving job offers.”
Graham Zolkowski, MBA ’23
Associate Product Manager, Abbott
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Bridging financial gaps: An alumnus’ mission to break down financial inequalities
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Why a career in art can be a valuable asset in today's business worldContact Career & Life Design:
100 International Drive
5th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 234-9270
Washington, D.C.
555 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
4th floor - Student Services Suite
Washington, D.C. 20001
(410) 234-9270