Student Grievences and Complaints

Grievance Procedures

When at all possible, complaints and disputes should be resolved through informal discussion by the parties involved or office with whom the student has a complaint or dispute. For the fastest response to any complaint, students should first contact their academic advisor. Depending on the type of concern, advisors may handle the complaint directly or work with the specific points of contact listed below. Please note that discrimination and harassment complaints may be handled quickest directly through the Office of Institutional Equity.

Academic Classroom Experience

Concerns regarding the classroom experience should be directed to Academic Advising through the advisor or the Academic Program Manager.

Discrimination and Harassment

Complaints alleging discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, gender, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ethnicity, disability, marital status, or veteran status should be referred to the University’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).


OIE is responsible for the investigation and resolution of disability-related discrimination complaints received from faculty, staff, and students at Johns Hopkins University. For more information about filing an ADA or disability-related grievance, visit the OIE website.

Sexual Misconduct

Complaints alleging sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other sexual misconduct will be investigated by OIE.

Grade Disputes

Disputes involving grades are handled following the processes laid out in the Carey Business School's Grade Disputes.

Student Academic Conduct

Disputes involving academic conduct are handled pursuant to the Carey Business School's academic misconduct policy.

Student Non-Academic Conduct

Disputes involving student conduct of a non-academic nature are governed by the University’s student conduct code.

Filing a Formal Grievance

If the type of grievance is not covered by a specific policy above, students may submit a formal grievance to the University.