First steps for new faculty

Faculty and Research
Welcome to Carey! To ensure a smooth transition into your new role, the Office of Faculty and Research (OFR) and Human Resources (HR) will email you instructional onboarding steps to complete before your official start date. Below is an outline of the onboarding steps. If you have any questions about the new hire process, please email and
Step 1: New Hire Form
All new faculty are required to complete the New Hire Form to begin the onboarding process. Carey HR will email you the New Hire Form a couple months before your start date.
Please return the completed form to Human Resources using this link to the Carey HR Documentation upload portal.
Step 2: JHED ID and Email
Once your New Hire Form has been process, you will receive an email with your unique Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory identification (JHED ID). Please activate your JHED ID and email account as soon as possible. The JHED ID is required to access Carey Business School’s internal systems (e.g. Canvas, SIS, Inside Carey, etc.)
Set up your account and password by going to the university's MyJH webpage and selecting the "Create Account" button.
Carey IT will email you instructions on how to set up your Johns Hopkins email account, alias, and forwarding services. Faculty members are required to use their Johns Hopkins email account. All official Johns Hopkins communications will be transmitted only through your Johns Hopkins email; therefore, it is vital that you set up your email account promptly to receive all pertinent information. For additional information on setting up your email account and forwarding services, please visit the IT webpage.
Step 3: Visas
Carey HR will contact you regarding visa assistance, if applicable. If you have questions or have not been contacted by HR, please email
Step 4: J-Card and Building Access Card
The J-card is a picture identification card. Together with the building access card, your J-card is used for identification, security, and access to university buildings and services. To have your J-card preprinted, please submit a 2”x2” photo of your head and shoulders to Passport photos work best. Please choose a plain, indoor background, and do not wear sunglasses, hats, or hairstyles that obscure your eyes.
In your email, include:
- Your full name and JHED ID
- The location where you will be teaching classes (Baltimore or Washington, D.C.)
- Job title
Your J-card and building access card will be distributed to you at New FT Faculty Orientation or your first official day at Carey Business School. If your J-card or building access card is lost, misplaced, or damaged, please email Operations at to request a replacement (a replacement fee will be assessed).
Step 5: Directory profile and name badges
Please fill out the following forms and submit to the Office of Faculty and Research ( for processing.
- Faculty Biography Form This will be used to create your profile in our Faculty Directory on the Carey Business School website. Please submit your completed form with a recent high-quality photograph. You may also include your CV or a link to your personal website to be posted within your profile.
- Your name badge for special events includes only your first and last names. If your name badge is lost, misplaced, or damaged, please email to request a replacement (a replacement fee will be assessed).
Step 6: New Full-Time Faculty Orientation
The New FT Faculty Orientation and Teaching Academy are usually held in mid-August at the Carey Business School’s Baltimore campus. The orientation program provides:
- Introduction to the Carey Business School leadership and mission of the school.
- Overview of resources that support teaching and research.
- Overview of key policies and procedures of the university and Carey Business School.
- Teaching Academy sessions for you to work directly with our Teaching & Learning@Carey team.
We require attendance by all new full-time faculty at the orientation programs. We also kindly ask that new faculty wait to visit the campus until the first day of orientation or official start date.
Additional Information
Helpful links:
- Comprehensive website about moving to Baltimore City
- Maryland housing search
- Living in Washington, D.C.
- Johns Hopkins University live near your work program
- Registering your vehicle in Maryland.
- Registering your vehicle in Washington, D.C.
The following links provide information about Maryland and Washington D.C. K-12 public schools:
Benefits and Payroll
For all Human Resources items including benefits and payroll, visit the Inside Carey resource here.
Johns Hopkins University Benefits & Worklife information can be found here.
Faculty and Resources
Inside Carey is a single-access point for Carey Business School-related resources including the Faculty Handbook, IT help request, benefits summary, and human resources(JHED and password needed).