Elaine Baruwa, PhD
Academic Area | Economics |
Academic Area | Management & Organization |
Academic Area | Finance |
Elaine M. Baruwa, Ph.D. is a Health Economist with over 20 years of experience supporting health financing and service delivery through economic evaluation research and technical assistance. She provides thought leadership on strengthening health systems and health financing to low and middle-income countries as a Principal Associate at Abt Global.
An experienced manager of USAID projects, Dr. Baruwa, manages country program start-ups, human resources, client management, strategic thinking, and quality assurance processes. At Abt, Dr. Baruwa has led research in over 20 low- and middle-income countries and led USAID, World Bank and Global Fund-funded implementation programs in Nigeria, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Haiti.
Before joining Abt she was the health economist for GAVI's PneumoADIP grant at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) where she worked on vaccine demand forecasting, vaccine wastage, and the long-term impact of vaccination on education and productivity. Dr. Baruwa is adjunct faculty at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School teaching organizational management and design and also guest lectures on health financing and governance at University of Maryland and University of Oxford.
- Ph.D., International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, 2007
- M.Sc., International Health Management, Imperial College, London, London, England, 2002
- B.Sc., Financial Economics, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, England, 2001
- Vasquez, N. A., Oga-Omenka, C., Yellappa, V., Lestari, B. W., Sassi, A., Sheokand, S., Olusola-Faleye, B., Huria, L., Brubacher, L. J., Baruwa, E., Alisjahbana, B., & Pai, M. (2024). COVID-19 policies and tuberculosis services in private health sectors of India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, 100503.
- Oga-Omenka C, Rosapep L, Baruwa E, et al. "Individual journeys to tuberculosis care in Nigeria’s private sector during the COVID-19 pandemic" BMJ Global Health 2024;9:e013124.
- Oga-Omenka C, Sassi A, Vasquez NA, Baruwa E, Rosapep L, Daniels B, Olusola-Faleye B, Huria L, Adamu A, Johns B, Das J, Pai M. "Tuberculosis service disruptions and adaptations during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the private health sector of two urban settings in Nigeria-A mixed methods study." PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023 Mar 24;3(3)
- Lauren A. Rosapep L., Faye S, Johns B., Olusola-Faleye B., Baruwa E. Sorum M, Nwagagbo F, Adamu A., Kwan A, Obanubi C, Atobatele A. "Tuberculosis care quality in urban Nigeria: a cross-sectional study of adherence to screening and treatment initiation guidelines in multi-cadre networks of private health service providers", PLOS Global Public Health, Jan 6, 2022
- Rashidul Alam Mahumud, Nadia Ishrat Alamgir, Md. Tarek Hossain, Elaine Baruwa, Marufa Sultana, Jeff Gow, Khorshed Alam, Syed Masud Ahmed and Jahangir A.M. Khan. "Women’s Preferences for Maternal Healthcare Services in Bangladesh: Evidence from Discrete Choice Experiment." J. Clin. Med. 2019 Jan23;8(2):132
- Olanrewaju Tejuoso, Alawode G, Baruwa E Health and the Legislature: "The Case of Nigeria Health Systems and Reform" (4 (2) 62-64, 2018
- Health Care Organization and Management
- Health Benefit Package Design and Costing - Nuffield College, University of Oxford
- Health Systems and Global Governance - School of Public Health, University of Maryland