Student employment

Work and Study.
Carey Business School provides assistance for full-time students seeking casual or part-time positions within the school.
To review positions and apply, visit SMILE.

Casual or part-time positions are available to full-time students carrying a full-time course load of 9 credits or more per semester. Students must possess an excellent academic record and maintain a professional working relationship with faculty, students, and administrative staff. Student workers are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours per week combined and may not have more than two positions at one time.
Johns Hopkins payroll will process all student paychecks and maintains student employment records and supporting documents.
Complete Required Paperwork.
Once a student is selected for a campus employment role, they cannot begin work until they have completed all required employment paperwork, including the I-9.
Once selected for a role, instructions will be sent to the student for completion. Required documents include:
- FNIF Form (international students only)
- New Hire Form
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Student Confidentiality Agreement
- I-9
Work hours
Full-time students may work no more than 20 hours per week during periods of enrollment. You can only work 20 hours in one week combined during all jobs. A student may not have more than two positions at one time.
During periods of non-enrollment, (i.e., summer, winter vacation, and intersession), student employees may work up to 40 hours per week. Please note: Student may not work more than 20hrs until the week following the Final examination period.
Employee self service
It is important to update your tax and direct deposit forms in Employee Self Service once your information has been entered into the payroll system. You will be notified by, when your information is entered into the system. Then you should have access to ESS within 3-5 business days from then.
Using ESS, you will be able to:
- View/Update your tax withholdings for Federal and MD State (depending on where you live)
- View/Update your permanent address
- View your personal data
- View/Print/Save your pay statements which are only available while an active employee in SAP and only for up to 3 years
Tax Forms
If you have questions about filing out the form or your tax withholdings, you can contact the University Tax office at office at 443-997-8688 or
Direct deposit takes 1-2 pay periods before going into effect. Your first two checks will be mailed to your home address we have on file from your paperwork.
The Payroll Specialist will set up an online timesheet for you to keep track of your hours worked.
Timesheets are due a few days before the pay period. Please view the schedule for submission and approval cutoff dates.
If you have any questions in regards to your timesheet or any payroll issues regarding your checks, please contact the payroll office at
You are paid the 15th and end of the month. Payments are made in arrears: so time worked between the 1st and the 15th of the month will be paid on the last day of the month. Please note your first pay check will be issued the second cycle after your start date.
Your W-2
Some students may be offered an opportunity to continue working as a causal employee after graduation. The hiring manager for the position must make arrangements with HR to retain a graduating student employee by April 1. Transition from student worker to casual staff and all necessary documentation must be completed within 3 days of graduation. International and visa restrictions apply. Students transferring to casual status must meet with the HR to re-verify Form I-9.