Recruitment and offer policies

Corporate and Strategic Partnerships
Recruiting policies
To achieve the best recruiting results, recruiters should adhere to Johns Hopkins Carey Business School’s recommended recruiting dates. Employers engaged in recruiting early in the fall or spring semesters or during the January intersession should make their recruiting information available to the Employer Relations team at the earliest possible time so that proper promotion can take place.
Interview policies
Students and employers are expected to prepare for and keep all interview appointments. A student who misses an interview is asked to write a letter of apology to the recruiter.
Employers are asked to re-confirm their interview date one week prior to their scheduled day. Last-minute changes and cancelations are disruptive to our students and potentially damaging to an employer’s reputation on campus. Please notify the Career Development Office immediately if a change is required.
Second-round interviews can be held on campus or at the company’s offices. We recommend companies provide notice of at least three business days for students to travel for second round interviews being held off-campus so they have ample time to rearrange prior commitments. In addition, companies may host a pre-interview reception or dinner before conducting interviews. We can help encourage participation and avoid conflicts if we know your plans ahead of time.
Offer policies
Making a job or internship offer to a student is a significant commitment between an employer and a student. To ensure fairness to both, please observe the following guidelines:
- If your organization is participating in on-campus interviews, no initial employment interviews or offers can occur prior to set on-campus interview dates. Check with Career Development staff to confirm the date.
- All offer letters need to be documented via email and/or hard copy. The beginning of the offer period coincides with the date of the offer letter.
- First year students should be given at least three weeks to consider an internship offer.
- Summer interns may receive an offer prior to the official start of the second year recruiting season from the employer where they interned.
- It is recommended that former interns not be prohibited from pursuing other opportunities and should be given until December 1 to consider full time offers, unless an alternative arrangement is agreed to by both parties.
- Second year or graduating part-time students should be given at least four weeks to consider a full-time offer.
This timeline does not preclude longer periods for offer consideration. It is important that both parties keep an open line of communication throughout the job offer and decision process.
Extending an exploding offer, defined as giving a candidate an unreasonably short period of time to accept an offer before it is revoked, is prohibited. In addition, if a student is taking an unreasonably long period of time to respond to an offer, please contact the Career Development Office so we may address the issue with the student. It is not uncommon for companies to offer financial incentives for an early decision, especially for full-time offers, but as long as the timelines are honored, this is not considered an exploding offer.
If an employer must withdraw an offer, the employer should contact the Carey Career Development Office immediately. This is a serious matter that can significantly harm an employer’s brand on campus and subsequent ability to recruit students. Similarly, if a student reneges on an acceptance of employment, the employer should notify the Carey Career Development Office. Our office will thoroughly review the situation and take appropriate action. We consider reneging on an acceptance a serious matter.
Other Policies, Expectations and Best Practices
Nondiscrimination policy
Carey Business School makes its facilities and services available only to employers who do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, military service, or disability. Any employer who makes use of the university’s facilities to interview students agrees to meet in good faith with any student who has signed up within the allotted time for an interview and who meets the employer’s legitimate employment qualifications.
DEIB Recruitment Expectations
At the Carey Business School, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are woven into our organizational culture. The Career Development Office expects all employers who recruit talent from Carey, accessing our resume books, Handshake platform and participating in employer engagement activities to share in our commitment to fair and inclusive recruiting and hiring practices. Carey is committed to recruiting a diverse group of students, and all Carey students should feel welcome, safe being themselves, and supported through interactions and communication with employer partners.
Best Practices for Fair and Inclusive Recruiting
- Ensure all talent acquisition staff are trained on inclusive and equitable recruiting practices, to assure that the process of posting jobs/internships, sourcing candidates, and reviewing candidate qualifications is not discriminatory in any way.
- Objectively review candidate application materials with an open mind, focus on skills earned through work, and curricular, and co-curricular experiences. Be aware of and attempt to remove bias in the review process.
- Use a rubric and consistent interview questions with clearly defined standards when evaluating all candidates to mitigate bias.
- Be prepared to share with candidates what your organization is doing to create an increasingly diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce.
- Consciously provide interns and employees with educational opportunities to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion competency.
An internship is a career-related experience that allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve developed from their academic studies in a practical, workplace setting. All internships should provide students with exposure to an occupation, industry, or career field and have a clear purpose and focus. Internships typically involve a student working in a professional setting under the supervision and monitoring of practicing professionals. As such, employers are expected to be invested in the career exploration and professional development of their interns. (Adapted from the National Association of Colleges and Employers)
Criteria for internships benefiting students’ career development
- The internship’s central focus is educating students to use the critical thinking and communication skills they’ve developed at Carey Business School in a professional environment.
- The intern receives regular and on-going supervision, feedback, coaching, and mentoring.
- The intern contributes to the organization in a value-added, meaningful way.
To do this, employers should:- Create a job description that outlines the expectations and objectives of the internship. This provides a framework for students to learn about your industry and affirms the value of the actual work they complete. Having a specific project for the student to complete is an excellent way for students to develop career-related competencies while contributing to your organization.
- Connect the internship experience to learning. An internship should provide the student with an opportunity to develop career-related skills and competencies. These competencies should be transferable to other organizations or even other industries in order to foster the student’s career development. Students want to learn about organizational structure, engage with a variety of professionals, and receive insight into pertinent topics. Clear transparent communication is important for students to learn about your organization, field, and the world of work.
- Plan to supervise the intern. Supervision is the foundation for a successful internship. Setting clear expectations, engaging in regular follow-up and providing feedback are essential components of a great internship experience for both student and employer. Due to the educational nature of internships, employers provide a greater level of supervision to interns than employees. Providing opportunities for students to reflect on their internship experiences during supervision is an excellent way to foster to their career development.
As an employer, it is your responsibility to be aware of the federal government’s requirements for unpaid internships. For-profit organizations should review the Department of Labor’s Internships and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Carey Business School does not award academic credit for internship experience.
For more information on internship best practices and federal regulations, explore the links below:
Third-party recruiters may utilize Carey Business School’s recruiting services in line with the following guidelines:
- Third-party recruiters will not disclose student information in any way to any employer or other person or entity without obtaining prior consent from the student.
- Third-party recruiters attending recruiting events will disclose the names of the represented employers to the Career Development Office if requested.
- Third-party recruiters may post full-time jobs and internships in Carey Business School’s Handshake system. Agreement to the Johns Hopkins University Statement of Understanding and Compliance for Third-Part Employers is required before doing so.
If you require transcripts, please notify the student in advance, who can then authorize release by the Registrar.
Carey Business School does not disseminate personal information regarding a degree candidate. Such restricted information includes grades, test scores, and photos.
Carey Business School will not be held responsible for false information or misrepresentation provided by a student during the recruitment process, either by way of a student’s résumé or during the interview process.
Students may not be asked to miss class for an interview.
It is important that both the employer and student keep an open line of communication throughout the interview, offer, and evaluation processes. All companies should establish and maintain, at most, a four-week window of communication with candidates throughout the process. For example, if your interview was held February 13, please send a follow-up communication no later than March 13, even if the message simply states your process is continuing and that candidates will be notified by an approximate date.
All candidates not selected for further consideration also should receive notification of their final status once the selection process has been concluded.
When adverse actions regarding recruiting policies and expectations are reported to Carey Business School, the school evaluates each situation on a case-by-case basis, assess the facts from both student and employer perspectives, and attempts to resolve the situation. Carey Business School reserves the right to restrict access to students by employers that violate our policies and expectations.
Carey Business School also asks that companies who may take an adverse action to inform the school beforehand to minimize the consequences for our students. Such actions have served to create goodwill between both parties.
Furthermore, we request that employers notify the Career Development Office of any students who have accepted more than one job offer or are continuing to search for positions after accepting an offer. Such behavior is considered to be a violation of the school’s code of conduct.
For international recruiters: International companies or divisions of companies that recruit at Carey Business School may find it more practical to interview first- and second-year students during the same visit to the university. As a result, companies or divisions of companies based outside of the U.S. may interview and make offers to first- or second-year students outside of our regular recruiting calendar. We encourage you to keep the lines of communication open with the Career Development Office and candidates, working with students to find a mutually agreeable decision date.
For affinity group conferences: Affinity group conferences such as the National Black MBA Conference and the ROMBA Conference have become increasingly popular for recruiters and students. Because these events occur very early in the on-campus recruiting process for second-year students and well in advance of the recruiting process for first-year students, we strongly suggest that any offers made to students as a result of these events remain open until December 1, for second-year students and March 1, for first-year students.
Recruiting Best Practices
- Employers must not require a financial investment or payment by the student or alumni for employment or placement. Under no circumstances should fees be charged to students or alumni. Carey Business School will not post any opportunities that require students or alumni to pay fees.
- All job and internship listings are posted at the discretion of Carey Business School. We reserve the right to choose to not post a position if it does not appear to support the best interests of students and/or the University.
- Carey Business School recommends that employers list work eligibility requirements in order to ensure that students understand any potential limitations on employment. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that candidates meet their work authorization requirements.
- Carey Business School will not advertise positions that restrict consideration to specific student populations.
- Carey Business School will not post anonymous ads or positions submitted by third party recruiters who do not identify themselves as such in their job announcements or who do not provide us with client contact information if requested. Refer to Third Party Recruiter section above.
- Carey Business School makes no guarantee that all jobs posted will be filled.
- Recruiters cannot ask questions during the interview that could be construed by a candidate as unethical, illegal, or in violation of personal privacy. Such questions include inquiries about age, marital status, religious preference, and sexual orientation.
- All recruiters must adhere to the standards set forth in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended in 1972), as well as all guidelines established by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Specifically, no firm should discriminate against any candidate on the basis of that individual’s sex, race, color, religion, age, handicap, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
- Recruiters should not ask students to evaluate the skills or appropriateness of a fellow student for employment.
- Recruiters should inform students of their application and candidate status, whether positive or negative, in a timely manner. Undue delays or failure to communicate to declined candidates negatively affect a company’s reputation among students.
Carey Business School works diligently to meet the needs of recruiters and students. When making reservations, companies and recruiters should review the confirmation and make any necessary changes immediately. Companies and recruiters are expected to follow the final interview schedules. Changing the final interview schedule can significantly disrupt students’ prior academic and interview commitments and affects the company’s reputation among the students.
- Keep your profile and résumé up to date with accurate work experience and education information.
- Respond to all invitations from companies offering an interview in a timely manner (within 24 hours).
- Be prompt and well prepared for all interviews.
- Use business professional communication in all correspondence.
- Accept offers in good faith. An accepted offer is binding and assumes that you are no longer job searching. Students are expected to withdraw from all applications and are not permitted to interview with additional firms after accepting an employment offer. This is standard professional expectation at all business schools. If you renege on an offer, the Carey Business School reserves the right to take appropriate action.
- Report your employment status, including received and accepted offers, through Carey’s secure outcome survey tool.