Christina DePasquale, PhD
Academic Area | Economics |
Areas of Interest | Health Economics, Law & Economics, Labor Economics, Sports Economics |
Christina DePasquale is an Associate Professor of Practice and the current Faculty Director of Teaching Excellence. Her primary research and teaching interests lie in health economics, law and economics, industrial organization, and labor economics, particularly focusing on the intersection of firm decisions and labor market consequences. Her insights and research have been cited in various media outlets, including CNN, Marketplace, NPR, and the Wall Street Journal. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Law and Economics, the Review of Industrial Organization, and Managerial and Decision Economics. In addition, Professor DePasquale conducts research in the area of sports economics and is currently co-authoring the second edition of the textbook Sports Economics.
- Ph. D, Business Economics, University of Michigan
- BS, Economics, University of Florida
Selected publications
- Robinson Patman Act and Price Discrimination, in the Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Competition, Regulation and Antitrust, Michael D. Noel (Editor). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Heterogeneity in Hospital Consolidation, DePaul Journal of Health Care Law, forthcoming.
- Hospital Consolidation and Monopsony Power in the Labor Market for Nurses, Competition Policy International Antitrust Chronicle, June 2020.
- Monopsony and Two-part Tariffs (with Roger D. Blair) Managerial and Decision Economics, 41 (2020), 730-734.
- Antitrust's Least Glorious Hour:' The Robinson--Patman Act, (with Roger D. Blair), The Journal of Law & Economics, 57 (2014), S201-S216.
- Considerations of Countervailing Power, (with Roger D. Blair) Review of Industrial Organization, 39(1-2) (2011), 137-143.
- A Note on Two-Part Pricing Under Uncertainty, (with Roger D. Blair), Managerial and Decision Economics, 31(8) (2010), 545-547
Working papers
- Labor Supply Effects of Occupational Regulation: Evidence from the Nurse Licensure Compact (with Kevin Stange), Revisions Requested at Journal of Law & Economics.
- Monopsonistic Exploitation: Theory and Evidence, 2020, Working Paper.
- Competitive Strategy (Spring 2 2024)
- The Economics for Decision Making (Undergraduate-level, Spring 2024)
- The Firm and the Macroeconomy (Summer 2024)
- Business Microeconomics
- Business Law
- Health Innovation & Evaluation
- Strategic Market Intelligence Health Innovation and Evaluation
In the media
- Baltimore’s economy has been humming. Then a bridge collapsed (April 2, 2024) CNN
- 200-ton hydraulic salvage grab to help recover Key Bridge wreckage (April 22, 2024) Fox Baltimore
- Fourth temporary channel to open allowing stranded ships to leave Port of Baltimore (April 24, 2024) CBS Baltimore
- We have sailed from Baltimore”: Cargo ships begin leaving the port (April 25, 2024) Marketplace, National Public Radio
- Maryland has the lowest unemployment rate in American history, at just 1.6%.(November 15, 2023) CNN.com
- Job Relocations Just Got a Lot More Complicated. (August 9, 2022) Profile Magazine.
- Line of Defense: The Role of Antitrust Law and Enforcement in the Biden Administration (July 5, 2022). Womble, Bond, and Dickinson.
- The Big Quit. (Winter 2021) Johns Hopkins Magazine
Occupational Licensing Doesn't Seem to Restrict Nurses' Mobility. (July 26, 2016) Wall Street Journal