Baltimore Corps Humanity Fellowship

Gain Leadership Skills while Building Capacity and Equitable Solutions for Baltimore.

Utilize your business skills in a community cohort and with local organizations.

The twelve-month Fellowship is supplemented by the Carey Business School to offer a more competitive post MBA salary in the nonprofit space.

The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School has teamed up with Baltimore Corps to offer the Humanity Fellowship though an annual competitive application process. Fellows participate in programming that includes race and equity workshops, professional skills development workshops, networking events, community service, working groups and more.

Visit Baltimore Corps to review application dates and apply to the program. 

Shawn Gunaratne

"If you are interested in building a career in Baltimore and finding a strong professional network, you could not find a better opportunity than Baltimore Corps. Baltimore Corps has taught me about the challenges and strengths this city has to offer, and I am incredibly grateful for the relationships I built during my fellowship."

Shawn Gunaratne


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