
Showing 1-12 of 183 results
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Trust: A vital factor in health care-seeking behavior

Who is most trusted in the U.S. health care system? Researchers Michael Darden and Mario Macis measure the value of trust among health providers to determine how it influences a patient’s decision to seek care.
July 09, 2024

Does sustainable health care start with reusable products?

A Hopkins Business of Health Initiative Earth Day event highlighted the critical need for sustainability in the health care sector. The initiative is paving the way for a future where health care is environmentally sustainable and economically thriving.
May 10, 2024

The Unheard Voice of the Upwardly Mobile

Organizations committed to inclusivity and hearing varied opinions should be aware that upwardly mobile individuals in socially diverse professional environments, are often faced with hurdles to jump, for their views to be heard and heeded
May 06, 2024