Matching Gifts

Many employers match charitable contributions made by employees.
To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, contact Make sure to include your company name. We appreciates your support.
Matching gift FAQ
What is a matching gift?
A matching gift represents a corporation’s philanthropic interest to support the charities to which its employees contribute or volunteer and to encourage a spirit of financial and charitable responsibility. Employers have matching gift programs as a benefit to their employees, including in some cases, part-time employees and retirees.
Which donations are eligible for matching?
All matching gift companies match cash donations to charitable organizations. Many organizations match volunteer hours and stock transfers or securities. Each has its own rules regarding: length of service with your employer, retiree giving, minimum and maximum donation match, and athletic donations. The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School is a registered 501c3 charity. The Carey Business School will only approve the tax deductible portion of your donation for matching. The Carey Business School will comply with all organization matching guidelines.
Which donations are not eligible for matching?
This can vary by organization, and we’ll be happy to research it for you. Our policy is to comply with each organization’s matching gift regulations. Generally, only the tax deductible portion of your personal charitable donation is eligible for matching.
Does my company match?
To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, contact Make sure to include your company name.
How do I get a request form?
Forms are usually available through an organization’s Intranet. Some are available on the Internet and that means we can get one to you. Please contact your HR representative or email to obtain a form.
Are request forms available online?
Many organizations are moving to a paperless system and using the Internet to process matching gift requests. You will need to contact your HR representative to get the URL to your employer’s registration site. We are in most online registries as “Johns Hopkins Carey Business School” and our EIN is 52-0595110. Please email your registration confirmation to our attention ( so that we can login and confirm the donation with your employer.
Can I apply a corporate matching gift to my personal pledge?
No. Because you cannot obligate your employer’s donation, you cannot use a corporate matching gift to pay down a personal pledge.
What is redirecting a match?
Many organizations allow the donor to redirect the matching gift to another fund or charity. For example, if you give $100 to the Faculty Research Fund, you may be allowed to redirect the match from your employer to the Annual Gift Fund. If you want this to happen, you must notify the matching gift office when you submit your form.
Also, some organizations do not match to specific funds (such as athletics) and ask that their donation be redirected. Please email with any questions.
What is a corporate partner?
A corporate partner, or a matching gift liaison, is someone with a strong relationship and dedication to the programs and financial support of Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. We are looking for alumni, friends, and parents who work for matching gift organizations that would be willing to spend some time acting as a fundraiser. For each donation to the university that is matched, the programs at Carey Business School are further funded. If you are interested in becoming a corporate partner, please contact
How do I contact Carey Business School directly?
Please call the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 410-234-9350 and ask for the Matching Gift Administrator.