Joe Cutrone, PhD
Adjunct Instructor
Academic Area | Operations Management & Business Analytics |
Joseph Cutrone has taught both online and in-person at Johns Hopkins, Northwestern University, Towson University, and Goucher College. Prior to JHU, he was a pension actuarial analyst, in New York, CEO of Charm City Tutors, and Senior Program Manager of Mathematics for Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.
He is currently an Associate Teaching Professor for the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences and Director of Online and Summer Programs for the Department of Mathematics.
- PhD, Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University
- MBA, Financial Management, Johns Hopkins University
- A Weak Fano Threefold Arising as a Blowup of a Curve of Genus 5 and Degree 8 on P3; European Journal of Mathematics, (), 1-8.
- On the Existence of Certain Weak Fano Threefolds of Picard Number Two; Mathematica Scandinavica, 120(2017), no 1.
- Towards the Classification of Weak Fano Threefolds with Picard Number Two; Cent. Eur. J. Math 11(2013), no.9, 1551-1756
Working Papers
- Business Analytics
- Linear Algebra (KSAS)
- Mathematics of Politics, Social Choice, and Democracy
- Calculus for Business
- Project Perecles Award